HOF – innovation Optimization of the product safety by means of a relief of the corrugated hoses Among other components, stainless steel corrugated hoses also belong to the critical parts of a freeze-dryer. These flexible elements transport the silicone oil of the heat transfer system inside the chamber to and from the shelves and are subject to a very high stress level. Due to the fact that these flexible parts are under considerable strain and in combination with the long life time of a freeze-dryer, the corrugated hoses belong to the nat- ural parts subject to wear. It is very difficult to define change intervals and in case of dam- age, considerable breakdowns might happen. To counteract this, HOF has developed the so-called “relief shoe”. The repeatedly occurring rated break points at the shelf connecting bends are supported by these “relief shoes” and the pressure of the move- ment is then derived to further hose spirals. Bends in both directions can be supported by means of double shoes at the chamber connections. Because of the restricted space situation, the connecting points of the pipe elbows at the shelves are supported by a dynamic single shoe. Long-term tests have shown that the lifetime of the hoses could thereby be more than quadrupled. At the same time, the supporting elements are in conformity with the approved ma- terial classifications and are compatible with the common CIP systems. This could be verified in tests with elevated Riboflavin concentrations. In order to provide a benefit as big as possible concerning process safety, the elements were designed in a way, that the “relief shoes” can be generally retrofitted to ex- isting machines. without relief shoe using relief shoe (generation 1) using relief shoe (generation 2) durability [%] 100 200 300 400 500 Container Closure Integrity Because product protection and safety have an ever-growing priority, there are a lot of discussion topics about container clo- sure integrity. It is frequently reported that vial sealing plugs are not correctly or not fully pushed in and therefore the vial sealing is not satisfactory. In many cases, the resulting gap size can be neutralized by the downstream crimping machine, but some uncertainty remains for the time span between opening the freeze-dryer and the actual crimping of the vials with the alu- minum cap. These circumstances are usually directly associated with the freeze-drying machine. It must be admitted, that the handmade shelf area, as a welded construction, is certainly ad- justed and ground a number of times, nevertheless a 100% flat surface cannot be reached. The compliance with the specifications is confirmed by a corre- sponding certificate. However, major difficulties are met in this context due to variances in the used primary packaging material. Although these differences do range within the specified toler- ances, over-sized vials impede the sealing of under-sized vials. In order to offer a better understanding of safety in this context, HOF is conducting a study on vacuum tightness with different packaging combinations. An integrity check is carried out at dif- ferent time intervals on vials which are sealed under vacuum with defined gape-sizes. First tests showed that a gap size of up to 1,6 mm, even after a storing time under atmosphere, did not result in loss of vacuum. In order to cover a spectrum as wide as possible, we will go on with our checks, but we are confident that other packaging combinations will deliver similar results. ] g [ y t i c a p a c - l a v i 0,70 0,68 0,66 0,64 0,62 0,60 0,58 0,56 0,54 0,52 0,50 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 3,0 clearance [mm] We will be pleased to keep you in the loop of our results. 7