premium pharma solutions
HOF Enterprise Group
Specialists as sought-after partners for industry
The HOF group of companies, with the companies HOF Sonderanlagenbau GmbH and HOF Prüfsysteme GmbH, has been in the possession of the central Hessian entrepreneur Hans-Georg Hof for several decades. Both companies are specialists in their branch, with their high level of know-how and many new innovative ideas laid the foundation for the high technological competence of the group.
Welcome to HOF
HOF Sonderanlagenbau GmbH has been the leading specialist for manufacturing
individual freeze drying systems, loading and unloading systems
and freezing and thawing equipment for over 30 years.
Focus on your product
Individually designed, planned and manufactured – with state-of-the-art technology
Power of innovation
to find answers
We let knowledge grow
Our know-how is the basis for your success
Communication & media
Knowing what is important
HOF Sonderanlagenbau GmbH
Ludwig-Rinn-Str. 1-3
35102 Lohra
Phone + 49 6462 9169-0
Fax + 49 6462 9169-199
Mornshausen site:
HOF Sonderanlagenbau GmbH
Vor dem Langen Loh 2
35075 Gladenbach-Mornshausen
Phone + 49 6462 9169-0
Telefax + 49 6462 9169-199
HOF -The Specialist: Revision of the F-Gas Regulation – Overview and Outlook
With the recent F-Gas-Regulation, published at the end of February 2024, the EU member states gave the go-ahead for stricter requirements for use of fluorinated gases (F-gases) in the EU. The European Parliament had already approved the draft beforehand.
Fluorinated refrigerants (F-gases) are widely used in many everyday devices and in industrial process equipments, particularly in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
These gases have adverse effects on our climate and have a high global warming potential, often thousand times higher than carbon dioxide (CO2). Refrigerants are classified according to their Global Warming Potential (GWP), which is based on CO2. The new regulations aim to avoid around 500 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents by 2050, which corresponds to the total annual emissions of France and Belgium.
The changes will come into force on 11 March 2024.
Priorities of the new F-Gas Regulation:
Faster CO2 reduction and limited use of refrigerants
The successive reduction in CO2 equivalents is taking place faster than previously planned, with a complete phase-out by 2050. The aim is to achieve by 2030 a reduction to 5% of the originally defined value, compared to the previously planned 21 %. As of 2025, the maximum amount of refrigerant available will be limited to 23 % of the originally defined value, instead of the previous 31 %.
Regulation of HFO refrigerants
The revision of the F-Gas regulation now also regulates HFO refrigerants (e.g. R1234yf, R1234ze etc.), stating additional requirements such as leakage checks and various restrictions in the use. Mixtures (HFC/HFO) are also affected here.
Use of synthetic refrigerants
Although the latest version of the F-Gas Regulation does not yet provide for an abrupt end to high-GWP refrigerants, it clearly sets the course for alternative, natural solutions. Currently, the 2020 regulations continue to apply with a ban on refrigerants with a GWP > 2,500 and an exemption for product temperatures <-50 °C. Although the revised version of the F-Gas Regulation provides for further restrictions, these will not initially affect the possible applications of freeze-drying systems and freeze-thaw units (FTUs). A possible specification of the regulation could lead to further restrictions here.
HOF: innovative refrigeration technologies - alternatives and solutions
HOF has a long-standing commitment to the issues of environmental protection, climate protection and greenhouse gases.
In addition to our conventional refrigeration systems, we offer a wide range of technologies based on natural refrigerants. This alternative to conventional refrigeration technology enables us to offer reliable solutions for freeze-drying systems and freeze-thaw units.
Our systems use refrigerants such as hydrocarbons, liquid nitrogen and air instead of refrigerants with a high impact on the climate such as R404A/R507A. For example: our innovative HOF CryoBlizzard cold air machine.
On our website, you can get more information on our advanced solutions, under the topic“ Pioneering alternatives to conventional compression refrigeration '.
Comprehensive infrastructure for FAT
HOF has a first-class infrastructure that covers almost 100% of FAT requirements. With flexible installation options, including single and multi-storey arrangements up to 15m, and 11 ABUS large crane systems (10t to 40t), we are able to meet a wide range of customer needs and simulate the final installation of your systems.
Electrical energy
- Renewable energy sources: We use 198 kWp of roof-mounted photovoltaics to generate electricity at our sites.
- Emergency power generators: Three HOF emergency power generators are available for peak load reduction and emergency power tests:
- 1x 500 kVA
- 1x 250 kVA
- 1x 160 kVA
Fresh water
- Fresh water: Efficient use of tap water by minimizing consumption thanks to process engineering expertise.
- Reverse osmosis water: Our own production plant supplies reverse osmosis water for cleaning and CIP processes. We have our own storage capacity of 20 m³.
- CIP water center: Our central CIP system feeds its own in-house ring main and enables precise recipe fulfillment during your FAT.
- Pure steam plant: Two pure steam generation plants are available for SIP processes and sterilization.
- Cooling water: Three cooling towers with a total output of >1000 kW, supplemented by two propane chiller systems, cover your cooling requirements.
Temperature and nitrogen management
- Temperature ranges: Selectable temperature ranges from 6°C to 25°C.
- Nitrogen: Two separate nitrogen tanks for liquid and gaseous nitrogen for process cooling and inert conditions.
Compressed air and waste water
- Compressed air center: Redundant compressed air systems for various process technology applications.
- Waste water: pH-neutral discharge of process waste water into the municipal waste water system, supported by two separate waste water lifting units
Advantages at a glance
HOF offers numerous advantages thanks to its sustainable infrastructure:
- Maximum flexibility and reliability: Our comprehensive equipment and state-ofthe-art technologies ensure that we can flexibly meet a wide range of requirements and always offer a high level of reliability.
- Efficient process integration: Our automated systems and central supply units ensure smooth and efficient test processes, which significantly increases overall efficiency.
- Environmental awareness and sustainability: By using renewable energy sources and resource-saving technologies, we minimize our ecological footprint and actively contribute to environmental protection.
- Complete coverage of your FAT needs: From energy and water supplies to nitrogen and compressed air provision, we comprehensively cover all requirements for your factory acceptance.
"Our combination of advanced infrastructure and sustainable technologies enables us to carry out FAT tests not only efficiently but also in an environmentally friendly way. This is our contribution to the sustainable industry of the future."
Oliver Fleischer
Head of Service
Review of ACHEMA 2024 - Innovative, challenging and successful!
At ACHEMA 2024, the world's leading trade fair for the process industry, a total of 2,842 exhibitors from 56 nations presented the latest equipment and innovative processes to 106,001 participants from 141 countries from June 10 to 14, 2024. According to the organizers, the trade fair was a complete success.
Under the new company claim “HOF premium pharma solutions”, HOF presented itself with many exciting topics. In particular, the new SIRIUS 2.0 “Ready for the Future” concept met with great interest. The robot-assisted loading and unloading system HOF SIRIUS has been continuously developed since its introduction in 2022 and is now considered future-proof, powerful and practical.
Topics such as “HOF freeze-drying with natural refrigerants - Innovations by Nature” and “HOF Service+ - highest service quality and individually tailored service and after-sales offers” were also the focus of many discussions.
Overall, HOF's presence at the trade fair was a great success. The event was well attended and, in addition to existing customers, we attracted numerous interested parties who came to find out about new technologies and discuss specific projects.
We would like to thank all visitors of ACHEMA 2024 and look forward to welcoming you to the next ACHEMA from June 14 to 18, 2027 in Frankfurt am Main.
"We are very satisfied with the response and clearly feel the appreciation for our innovative know-how."
Stefan Becker (CFO)
Effizient und Innovativ: Automatisierung durch digitale Anbindung von Sensorik und Aktorik mit IO-Link
Bei HOF-Automation steht Innovation und Kundenzufriedenheit im Fokus, denn wir wissen, dass durch kontinuierliche Innovation die Grundlage für effiziente und zukunftsweisende Automationslösungen geschaffen wird. Als Vorreiter in der Pharmabranche haben wir erfolgreich als einer der ersten Hersteller den neuen Automations-Standard IO-Link in unsere Steuerungssoftware integriert.
Diese wegweisende Technologie bietet unseren Kunden in der Pharma- und Produktionsbranche eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen, die Wirtschaftlichkeit und Effizienz gleichermaßen steigern. An erster Stelle steht dabei die Optimierung der Abläufe, um sowohl Maschinenbauern als auch Endkunden eine Fülle von Vorteilen zu bieten, die nicht nur die Effizienz, sondern auch die Rentabilität erhöhen.
Nicht zuletzt haben die ersten Produktions-Gefriertrockner mit IO-Link vor wenigen Tagen die Werksabnahme bestanden, was die Anwendbarkeit dieser Innovation unterstreicht. Ebenfalls wurden auch unsere Einfrier- und Auftaugeräte (FTU), sowie unsere neuentwickelte Kältetechnik CCU mit CryoBlizzard (Kaltlufttechnik) zu 100% mit IO-Link ausgestattet.
1. Schaltkästen eliminiert, Raum und Kosten gespart
Durch die Implementierung von IO-Link können unsere Kunden bis zu 90% der bisher benötigten Schaltkästen einsparen. Unsere IP67-geschützten IO-Link Master von der Firma ifm lassen sich einfach dort montieren, wo sie benötigt werden.
Dies bedeutet nicht nur eine erhebliche Platzersparnis, sondern auch erheblich reduzierte Kosten für die Anlagenkonfiguration.
2. Kompakte Bauweise und einfache Integration
In enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma ifm haben wir innovative Softwarefunktionen entwickelt, die die nahtlose Integration von IO-Link-Geräten in unsere HOF-Bedienoberfläche LYOCOM erheblich erleichtern. Dies führt zu einer noch benutzerfreundlicheren Bedienung und Steuerung unserer Anlagen.
3. Reduzierte Leitungslängen für Effizienz
Durch die Nähe der IO-Link-Geräte zu den Bauteilen ermöglichen wir massive Reduzierungen der benötigten Leitungslängen. In den meisten Fällen überschreiten diese nicht drei Meter.
Dank vorkonfektionierter IO-Link-Kabel wird nicht nur der Verdrahtungs- und Qualifizierungsaufwand minimiert, sondern auch der Aufbau der Anlage wird übersichtlicher.
Änderungswünsche können dadurch wesentlich einfacher und effizienter umgesetzt werden.
4. Digitale Anbindung für „Vorausschauende Wartung“
Die vollständig digitale Anbindung über Feldbussysteme wie Profinet eröffnet umfassende Diagnosemöglichkeiten bis in die Sensor- und Aktorebene.
Jedes IO-Link-Bauteil ist "smart" und verfügt über eine eigene Logik, die Abweichungen und Fehler sofort erkennt. Diese Informationen können für das Industrie 4.0 Thema “Vorausschauende Wartung“ genutzt werden, um Ausfallzeiten zu minimieren und die Anlagenverfügbarkeit zu maximieren.
5. Spürbare und messbare Vorteile für unsere Kunden
Wir möchten sicherstellen, dass unsere Kunden die spürbaren und messbaren Vorteile von IO-Link erleben. Unsere Lösung steigert nicht nur die Effizienz, sondern ist auch kosteneffektiv, sodass unsere Kunden von den technologischen Fortschritten profitieren.
HOF IO-Link: Zukunftsfähige Automatisierung für nachhaltigen Mehrwert
HOF-Automation steht an der Seite unserer Kunden, um die Effizienz ihrer Prozesse zu steigern und die Ausfallzeiten zu minimieren.
Mit der digitalen Anbindung von Sensorik und Aktorik mit IO-Link bieten wir eine innovative Lösung, die unseren Kunden hilft, ihre Betriebsabläufe zu optimieren.
Dabei setzen wir auf nachhaltige Technologien, die nicht nur zukunftsweisend sind, sondern auch bei gleichzeitiger Kostenneutralität gegenüber klassischen Verdrahtungstechniken einen messbaren Mehrwert bieten. Unsere praxiserprobten Lösungen ermöglichen es, die Anforderungen der Gegenwart zu erfüllen und gleichzeitig Ressourcen effizient zu nutzen.
"Bei HOF-Automation steht Kundennutzen an erster Stelle. Unsere IO-Link Integration in der Steuerungssoftware maximiert Effizienz und Mehrwert."
Markus Röhrig (certified engineer Software Engineering / IO-Link specialist)