
Comprehensive infrastructure for FAT

HOF has a first-class infrastructure that covers almost 100% of FAT requirements. With flexible installation options, including single and multi-storey arrangements up to 15m, and 11 ABUS large crane systems (10t to 40t), we are able to meet a wide range of customer needs and simulate the final installation of your systems.

Electrical energy

  • Renewable energy sources: We use 198 kWp of roof-mounted photovoltaics to generate electricity at our sites.
  • Emergency power generators: Three HOF emergency power generators are available for peak load reduction and emergency power tests:
    • 1x 500 kVA
    • 1x 250 kVA
    • 1x 160 kVA

Fresh water

  • Fresh water: Efficient use of tap water by minimizing consumption thanks to process engineering expertise.
  • Reverse osmosis water: Our own production plant supplies reverse osmosis water for cleaning and CIP processes. We have our own storage capacity of 20 m³.
  • CIP water center: Our central CIP system feeds its own in-house ring main and enables precise recipe fulfillment during your FAT.
  • Pure steam plant: Two pure steam generation plants are available for SIP processes and sterilization.
  • Cooling water: Three cooling towers with a total output of >1000 kW, supplemented by two propane chiller systems, cover your cooling requirements.

Temperature and nitrogen management

  • Temperature ranges: Selectable temperature ranges from 6°C to 25°C.
  • Nitrogen: Two separate nitrogen tanks for liquid and gaseous nitrogen for process cooling and inert conditions.

Compressed air and waste water

  • Compressed air center: Redundant compressed air systems for various process technology applications.
  • Waste water: pH-neutral discharge of process waste water into the municipal waste water system, supported by two separate waste water lifting units

Advantages at a glance

HOF offers numerous advantages thanks to its sustainable infrastructure:

  • Maximum flexibility and reliability: Our comprehensive equipment and state-ofthe-art technologies ensure that we can flexibly meet a wide range of requirements and always offer a high level of reliability.
  • Efficient process integration: Our automated systems and central supply units ensure smooth and efficient test processes, which significantly increases overall efficiency.
  • Environmental awareness and sustainability: By using renewable energy sources and resource-saving technologies, we minimize our ecological footprint and actively contribute to environmental protection.
  • Complete coverage of your FAT needs: From energy and water supplies to nitrogen and compressed air provision, we comprehensively cover all requirements for your factory acceptance.

"Our combination of advanced infrastructure and sustainable technologies enables us to carry out FAT tests not only efficiently but also in an environmentally friendly way. This is our contribution to  the sustainable industry of the future."

Oliver Fleischer
Head of Service

Here is the complete text as a PDF document >

Effizient und Innovativ: Automatisierung durch digitale Anbindung von Sensorik und Aktorik mit IO-Link

Bei HOF-Automation steht Innovation und Kundenzufriedenheit im Fokus, denn wir wissen, dass durch kontinuierliche Innovation die Grundlage für effiziente und zukunftsweisende Automationslösungen geschaffen wird. Als Vorreiter in der Pharmabranche haben wir erfolgreich als einer der ersten Hersteller den neuen Automations-Standard IO-Link in unsere Steuerungssoftware integriert.

Diese wegweisende Technologie bietet unseren Kunden in der Pharma- und Produktionsbranche eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen, die Wirtschaftlichkeit und Effizienz gleichermaßen steigern. An erster Stelle steht dabei die Optimierung der Abläufe, um sowohl Maschinenbauern als auch Endkunden eine Fülle von Vorteilen zu bieten, die nicht nur die Effizienz, sondern auch die Rentabilität erhöhen.

Nicht zuletzt haben die ersten Produktions-Gefriertrockner mit IO-Link vor wenigen Tagen die Werksabnahme bestanden, was die Anwendbarkeit dieser Innovation unterstreicht. Ebenfalls wurden auch unsere Einfrier- und Auftaugeräte (FTU), sowie unsere neuentwickelte Kältetechnik CCU mit CryoBlizzard (Kaltlufttechnik) zu 100% mit IO-Link ausgestattet.

1. Schaltkästen eliminiert, Raum und Kosten gespart

Durch die Implementierung von IO-Link können unsere Kunden bis zu 90% der bisher benötigten Schaltkästen einsparen. Unsere IP67-geschützten IO-Link Master von der Firma ifm lassen sich einfach dort montieren, wo sie benötigt werden.
Dies bedeutet nicht nur eine erhebliche Platzersparnis, sondern auch erheblich reduzierte Kosten für die Anlagenkonfiguration.

2. Kompakte Bauweise und einfache Integration

In enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma ifm haben wir innovative Softwarefunktionen entwickelt, die die nahtlose Integration von IO-Link-Geräten in unsere HOF-Bedienoberfläche LYOCOM erheblich erleichtern. Dies führt zu einer noch benutzerfreundlicheren Bedienung und Steuerung unserer Anlagen.

3. Reduzierte Leitungslängen für Effizienz

Durch die Nähe der IO-Link-Geräte zu den Bauteilen ermöglichen wir massive Reduzierungen der benötigten Leitungslängen. In den meisten Fällen überschreiten diese nicht drei Meter.
Dank vorkonfektionierter IO-Link-Kabel wird nicht nur der Verdrahtungs- und Qualifizierungsaufwand minimiert, sondern auch der Aufbau der Anlage wird übersichtlicher.
Änderungswünsche können dadurch wesentlich einfacher und effizienter umgesetzt werden.

4. Digitale Anbindung für „Vorausschauende Wartung“

Die vollständig digitale Anbindung über Feldbussysteme wie Profinet eröffnet umfassende Diagnosemöglichkeiten bis in die Sensor- und Aktorebene.
Jedes IO-Link-Bauteil ist "smart" und verfügt über eine eigene Logik, die Abweichungen und Fehler sofort erkennt. Diese Informationen können für das Industrie 4.0 Thema “Vorausschauende Wartung“ genutzt werden, um Ausfallzeiten zu minimieren und die Anlagenverfügbarkeit zu maximieren.

5. Spürbare und messbare Vorteile für unsere Kunden

Wir möchten sicherstellen, dass unsere Kunden die spürbaren und messbaren Vorteile von IO-Link erleben. Unsere Lösung steigert nicht nur die Effizienz, sondern ist auch kosteneffektiv, sodass unsere Kunden von den technologischen Fortschritten profitieren.

HOF IO-Link: Zukunftsfähige Automatisierung für nachhaltigen Mehrwert

HOF-Automation steht an der Seite unserer Kunden, um die Effizienz ihrer Prozesse zu steigern und die Ausfallzeiten zu minimieren.
Mit der digitalen Anbindung von Sensorik und Aktorik mit IO-Link bieten wir eine innovative Lösung, die unseren Kunden hilft, ihre Betriebsabläufe zu optimieren.
Dabei setzen wir auf nachhaltige Technologien, die nicht nur zukunftsweisend sind, sondern auch bei gleichzeitiger Kostenneutralität gegenüber klassischen Verdrahtungstechniken einen messbaren Mehrwert bieten. Unsere praxiserprobten Lösungen ermöglichen es, die Anforderungen der Gegenwart zu erfüllen und gleichzeitig Ressourcen effizient zu nutzen.


"Bei HOF-Automation steht Kundennutzen an erster Stelle. Unsere IO-Link Integration in der Steuerungssoftware maximiert Effizienz und Mehrwert."

Markus Röhrig (certified engineer Software Engineering / IO-Link specialist)

HOF and Entegris - Success is no coincidence

Successful collaborations are no coincidence, like this corporate partnership with Entegris Life Science in the field of bulk drug substance and cold storage from the USA. An international provider of robust cold storage and transportation. Entegris is known for its Aramus™ bag, among other things.

The goals of the cooperation include bundling joint technological know-how and successfully utilizing this synergy for customers. The advantages of the cooperation between HOF and Entegris enables pharmaceutical and biotechnological customers to find the best available solution for their individual process and at the same time to benefit from the many years of experience of both specialists.

As part of the partnership, a HOF Freeze-Thaw Unit (FTU) has already been installed at the newly created Life Sciences Technology Center in Billerica (Massachusetts, USA) to enable customers to leverage cold chain expertise, to optimize processes, reduce costs and accelerate time to market.

The world-class lab brings together tools and technologies from both manufacturers in one location where customers can test freeze/thaw equipment to determine which products meet their needs best.

The partnership with Entegris reinforces HOF's expert market leadership and makes it easier for U.S.-based customers to connect with HOF's equipment, gain experience and find their custom solution.

HOF looks forward to a long and successful relationship!

Review of ACHEMA 2022 – innovative – complex and successful!

With the theme of “A safe investment – now and in future, HOF systems are technological leaders”, HOF once again presented itself at this year’s international leading trade fair with many interesting new topics.

The exhibition stand was well frequented not only by existing customers, but also by numerous interested individuals who came to learn about new technologies, discuss new projects or simply to establish a personal contact.

We were particularly delighted with how popular the live presentations of the HOF SIRIUS robot-based loading and unloading system were.

But many discussions also focused on topics such as HOF CryoBlizzard central refrigeration – the new innovative technology that uses air as a refrigerant for freeze drying.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who visited us at ACHEMA 2022 and are already looking forward to welcoming everyone at the next ACHEMA in Frankfurt am Main from 10 to 14 June 2024.

“We are very satisfied with the feedback and we can see clearly how much our work is appreciated with regard to our innovative know-how.”
Alexander Hof/CEO

The innovative HOF water bath and debottling system

The innovative HOF water bath and debottling system was developed using state-of-the-art robot technology for automated defrosting of frozen plasma bottles, allowing the remaining frozen core and the surrounding liquid to be removed easily for further processing after the bottle has been cut open.

Learn more here and watch our detailed video >

„The HOF water bath and debottling system is a technologically highly innovative solution. Compact, reliable, safe and with state-of-the-art robot technology.“

Dr. Alexander Hof (CEO)

NEW – HOF product brochure

Our new product brochure titled “Technology – knowledge, experience and innovative thinking” contains our complete product range:

  • Freeze drying systems
  • Loading and unloading systems
  • Freeze Thaw Units
  • HOF waterbath & debottling system
  • HOF Customer Service

Among other things, it offers an insight into our role as a technological market leader, combined with topics such as “innovative pioneer” – power of innovation as a brand core, and provides information on our exacting claim “HOF quality is the sum of many success factors”.

The clear structure and design make it easy to find the topics you are interested in.

More >

HOF brand essence = innovative strength

HOF will continue to be among the medium-sized innovation elite in 2022

HOF is the national and international technological market leader in many new developments in the fi eld of freeze drying systems. After all, HOF‘s brand essence is ist innovative strength. To maintain and further expand the associated role of the innovative pioneer: ”is one of our defi ned goals and our customers should benefi t from this. Now and in the future“, says CEO Dr. Alexander Hof. As a professional market leader, it is therefore very important for HOF to have its innovative competence assessed by an independent party.

The Top 100 events, under the scientifi c direction of Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and mentor Ranga Yogeshwar, are the only competition in Germany that has been awarding medium-sized companies for their innovation management under scientific direction for over 25 years on the market.

HOF has continuously faced the associated selection process since 2016 and has been awarded the TOP 100 seal for the seventh time and is, once again, one of the most innovative companies in Germany.

Construction of a new production hall

In the last years it became apparent, due to the continuous growth, that an extension of the production area was necessary. Hans-Georg Hof was responsible for the new building project. He explained: „We had long seen coming the need for the new hall".

 „ Accordingly, preparations - from planning to the building permit application- already started before Corona". „When the pandemic started, we started building – nobody knew where it was leading and we dug a large hole", he said with a laugh.
Implementation started quickly and, despite adverse circumstances in regard to material shortages and delivery delays, the construction of the new production hall was completed in August.

450 square meters of floor space for a production hall : it does not sound especially impressive.
But the height is quite imposing, because the new building has a 4770 cubic meters building volume- it is 11 meters high, extended over three floors, and there is also a four-meter-deep pit. What is the need of these height requirements? "In this way, we can set up the equipment over three floors in an identical design as at the customer’s premises on site " - this saves assembly time and finally offers customers security.

Two cranes - one with 40 and one with 20 tons of lifting capacity - were installed to cater for all needs. And an investment was also made in a cooling tower.

With the new production area, HOF has now successfully increased its capacity for installing freeze dryers in a vertical arrangement as a two-story design by 40% and doubled the capacity of its in-house refrigeration workshop.

The cost of the new building was around €3.35 million - plus investment in infrastructure, making the total project worth €3.8 million. "A good investment in the future," says Alexander Hof.

Pressemeldung HOF "Millionen-Investition in die Zukunft" >

Knowledge, competence and values - New HOF image brochure

Since the foundation of the company more than 30 years ago, it has always been important for HOF to convey a clear image company to its customers.

However, companies are also subject to the changing times. This leaves a mark on one‘s own corporate image, the same applies to HOF. Corporate messages have to be reconsidered, positioning has to be optimized.

In recent years HOF has continuously developed and has now grown to almost 300 employees.
This further development includes, among other things, the constant search for innovative solutions and this is only possible with excellent technological knowledge, creative curiosity and excellently qualified employees.

This also includes a special technological know-how and an extraordinary innovative strength. Supporting pillars and decisive success factors.

HOF is the professional market leader, a globally recognized company, you can rely on its competence. HOF’s guiding principle is based on values such as respect, fairness and loyalty in dealing with one another.

This is HOF, a living corporate philosophy,

enjoy reading >

For the sixth time in a row TOP 100

We are very pleased to announce that HOF Sonderanlagenbau GmbH from Lohra has once again made the leap among the best in the 28th edition of the TOP 100 innovation competition. And for the sixth time in a row!

Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke
Ranga Yogeshwar

“It is a great pleasure to be among the winners again. We would like to thank all employees for their motivation and innovative strength and of course our customers for the regular exchange of knowledge."

Kind regards,
Dr. Alexander Hof


HOF will also be among the medium-sized innovation elite in 2021

Since 2016, HOF has been awarded the TOP 100 seal for the sixth time and is once again one of the most innovative companies in Germany.
The TOP 100 seal was awarded for the 28th time and honors Germany's innovation elite in several categories. This award honors particularly innovative companies from a wide variety of industries. The award is based on an independent test based on a scientific system by the scientific director of TOP 100, Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke.

Which innovative measures particularly distinguished HOF, among others?

Here is a selection of the most important measures taken by HOF, based on the following categories:

Top management promoting innovation, innovation climate, innovative processes and organization, external orientation / open innovation and innovation success, as well as entrepreneurial reactions to the corona crisis.

  • The managing director initiates and pursues innovative development projects himself. In addition, special working hours are granted for innovation projects so that those involved Employees can act and react flexibly. At the same time, the idea of ​​innovation not only spans the products and services of HOF, but also the sustainability of the company.
  •  There is a daily and continuous exchange of knowledge between mechanical and electrical construction as well as software development. That promotes the individual personal idea development. At the same time, practical implementation in all Project phases are goal-oriented and accompanied intensively.
  • The in-house quality management manages and organizes the collection of ideas for the various areas. The evaluation and implementation is carried out by the management level supervised. In addition, an external QM consultant is involved in the management of the processes involved.
  • Meetings are held quarterly with the department heads and an external one Management consultant for quality and improvement management. There will be additional Ideas and innovations introduced are discussed, documented and followed up. Thus becomes a Processing or treatment of 100% of all submitted proposals is guaranteed.
  • Thus possible bottlenecks and delivery difficulties of individual suppliers in the Corona crisis can be compensated, exists for all components that we need for our systems, a flexible pool of suppliers.
  • Maintenance work on pharmaceutical freezers has been carried out for our customers in Japan Products conducted via web meeting. A team of experts was involved for three days and has the maintenance work of the systems is instructed via live transmission. There were also plants of our customers in Australia and USA set up under instruction via video conference, in operation taken and validated.
  • As a prophylaxis for the Covid emergency, a group of service technicians was established in the company optional in order to be quickly ready for service for customers in the event of service.

The scientific director is very impressed by the award-winning medium-sized companies: "The TOP 100 companies have consistently aligned themselves to be as innovative as possible," said Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke.

In essence, it was about the question of whether innovations are the result of a planned procedure or a coincidental product, i.e. the repeatability of innovation achievements. And about whether and how the corresponding solutions will establish themselves on the market

HOF has successfully asserted itself in this demanding selection process and will therefore again be one of the most innovative companies in Germany in 2021.

Award ceremony by mentor Ranga Yogeshwar

Instead of the previous award ceremony in summer, a year-end event is planned for November. The TOP 100 final as part of the German SME Summit on November 26, 2021, in the Forum am Schlosspark in Ludwigsburg.
The science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar will personally congratulate the successful companies, he has accompanied the innovation competition as a mentor for ten years.


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